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F-CUBED Public Deliverables

Periodic assessment reports called "deliverables" need to be submitted to the European Commission in order for the progress of the project to be evaluated.

On this page, you can find information about the public deliverables for the F-CUBED project, their expected publication date, and a link to download the published reports.

D4.2 - Report on Evaluation of the quality of TORWASH® pellets as bioenergy carrier produced from paper sludge, waste olive pomace and fruit & vegetable waste.

Lead beneficiary: Heat Systems

This report will present the results on combustion and gasification of the pellets produced from the hydrothermal treatment of all feedstocks produced on pilot scale. This includes an evaluation of their quality and application as bioenergy carrier.

Work Package: WP4 - Fruit & Vegetable waste treatment

Due date: M33 -

D4.4 - Report on Evaluation of NPK recovery potential from TORWASH® treated paper sludge, waste olive pomace and fruit & vegetable waste.

Lead beneficiary: UHOH

This report will present and discuss the results on nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium recovery from all the treated feedstocks.

Work Package: WP4 - Fruit & Vegetable waste treatment

Due date: M33 -

D5.2 - Report on Life Cycle Assessment and socioeconomic impact of the production of solid bioenergy carriers from paper sludge, waste olive pomace and fruit & vegetable waste by means of F-CUBED treatment.

Lead beneficiary: CFE

This report will present and discuss the life cycle assessment and socio-economic impact of the F-CUBED concept concerning the processing of the specific feedstocks. The input is generated by the experimentally obtained results and analysis of the current value chains for each waste stream.

Work Package: WP5 - Value chain assessment

Due date: M40 -

D6.3 - Project Video

Lead beneficiary: KNEIA

A project video will be compiled to support project communication and branding efforts and provide a comprehensive overview of the project from initial lab-scale testing to the expected impacts

Work Package: WP6 - Dissemination, communication and exploitation of project results

Due date: M41 -


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